(Photo: abc7news.com)
The adventure of Solar Impulse 2, (as seen on social media with the unique #hashtag titled, #Si2), has successfully revealed that the world can be changed by clean technologies on a massive scale.
This story is a tale of two men who intended to set their aims to travel all over the world on a journey and a plane referred to as Solar Impulse 2. They are an ideal team who are writing the story driven by innovation and passion, filed by solar technologies that are clean.

(AP Photo/Matt York)
In fact, this is the very first plane on the planet ran by eternal, perpetual endurance that’s been able to fly day and night without the fuel whatsoever. Collectively, with their partners, they’ve proven the world the impossible, by been showing the power of their initiating spirits in addition to clean technologies to bring options for a much better world through 100% renewables. And they have done just that. Successfully flying around the world on solar energy without any error. Two days ago, Solar Impulse 2 has proven itself that the once hopeless future is now hopeful on both air and land.
So the question is if the world can fly around with zero fossil fuels combusted, but rather with 100% renewable energy, then why can’t this same technology be placed onto the ground?
Best-Solar-Companies.com will be tracking news updates around the world, working hard to bring you the very best businesses that make it all happen as the transfer starts from air to land, with stories like these that show the finest updates of state-of-the-art innovations in the solar industry.
Special thanks to the Official Partners of Solar Impulse, including, Covasterol, Altran, Swiss Re Corporate Solutions, Google, Swisscom and LVMH MoetHennessy, as well as the world partners, Abu Dhabi United Arab Emirates, Masdar, Gouvernement Princier and the Foundation Prince Albert II de Monaco.