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More Reasons to Go Solar Heading into 2017

In 2016, we in the solar industry have seen a tremendous spike and an extensive list of reasons why homeowners are going solar. Lower costs for setups and solar systems, national taxes breaks, the list goes on and on. Best-Solar-Companies.com is on a mission to provide you with the most up-to-date information on everything solar-related.

Below you will find numerous of suggested reasons why a homeowner would want to update their home to a new solar power system and get “off the grid”.

Costs of Large Electrical Charges Each Month Will Significantly Be Reduced

A house solar system may decrease if not eliminate your electrical expenses by canceling your dependence on traditional electricity produced by fossil fuels. Unfortunately, many experts concur that bills are determined to grow over the years that are coming, and there are no apparent signs of slowing down anytime soon. Therefore, creating solar-based economies with mass solar installation can help not only the prosperity of the world economy’s wallet but also our planet’s pollution and fossil fuel emission.

Source: Earth Policy Institute//Bloomberg
Source: Earth Policy Institute // Bloomberg

Alternative Power is in the Hands of Your Hands

Reduce your house’s carbon impact by utilizing and producing energy that is evident and clean for not only the year of 2016 but future years to come. Solar is a powerful energy option for year-round electricity that has more benefits than any other energy source in the world; there is simply no comparison.

Solar Produces An Increased Re-Sale Value For Your Own House

It’s simple. If you invest in solar, the appraisal value of your home can go up, way up. With this being said, a solar house program can raise the resale value of your home drastically and can help it sell in half the time. Yes, you got it right, that little space on your home’s roof can make all the difference in the world.

According to GreenTechMedia.com, “Early studies relied on modeling and found that buyers were willing to pay an average of $15,000 more for a home with a solar PV array. Another study from January, based on survey data, found that homebuyers were also willing to pay a premium for leased systems.”

(Read more here: http://www.greentechmedia.com/articles/read/rooftop-solar-brings-higher-home-appraisals)

Source: GTM Research SEIA U.S. Solar Market Insight
Source: GTM Research SEIA U.S. Solar Market Insight

A Photovoltaic (PV) System Requires Little to No Maintenance

Once your facility is complete, your photovoltaic system needs little to no maintenance, helping you save money and time. With the right professionals, you can get a properly installed PV System that you won’t have to worry about upkeep like you would with other appliances, such as an air conditioning unit.

Solar systems Have Funding Opportunities Available

The truth is, your house most likely may need an update to Solar. But there is no reason to rush into it without thinking it over logically. Furthermore, there is no reason to go in the hole financially just because you know you need a Solar PV System for your home. There are so many funding options, and the possibilities are endless so that making your house upgrade can be as inexpensive as possible.

Did you Know about Tax Credit Advantages When You Go Solar?

In the next three years, you now have the ability to get an investment tax credit when you move to solar upwards of 25%. However, time is limited, and this tax credit benefit will soon expire heading into the year of 2020.

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