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Does Renewable Solar Energy have a Future?

Solar-Book-ConceptRenewable energy and the switch to solar is the spark to an entire way of thinking, which is making way for a chance to mitigate the risk of climate change, realistically. However, it’s a big leap to make a profound impact in a short amount of time. The point is, it takes time, especially with solar. From a global perspective, we can foresee some of the very likely topics that solar has for Planet Earth in the coming years. Nevertheless, the upward trends are booming in this niche and whether you want to believe it or not, solar is making way for a whole new future for humankind.

“Solar Energy may be called upon to play a much larger role in the global energy system by mid-century…”

-The Future of Solar Energy: An Interdisciplinary MIT Study

Best-Solar-Companies.comThe-Future-of-Solar-Energy-MIT-Review examines the progression of solar and how technology has been advancing it forward while many solar companies have been holding the solar industry back. We look to expose the many weaknesses of solar businesses across the globe that we hope can become strengthened over time. However, the best solar companies that are leading in the industry is where we concentrate our time and energy – that is our path in this technologically thriving world.

In North America, California will be hegemony and the future of solar energy. Jerry Brown, the state’s governor, signed legislation last year that pushes California to operate its electricity by 50% or more in the next 14 years. California’s recent spike in solar panels is contributing to the cause.

Read more about the Top 10 Solar Power States in 2016:

Solar-Panels-FieldAt the same time, there are challenges inherent in the structures we utilize to manage and pay for electricity. Going half sustainable does not merely extend the power system as a distribution network; it challenges the economic premises on which we have constructed our electric grid. We’ll need to rethink how we handle the electric grid moving forward, to get a power system where half the electricity is provided by intermittent renewable sources.

“Using current PV technology, solar plants covering only about 0.4% of the land area of the continental United States and experiencing average U.S. insolation over the course of a year could produce all the electricity the nation currently consumes.”

-The Future of Solar Energy: An Interdisciplinary MIT Study

Solar-Power-Custom PVAll past, present, and future studies can account for the pragmatic perspective of where we have been in the solar industry, where we are at now in the year of 2016, and where we are bound to go beyond today.

Is solar disruptive? Yeah, we think so. The price of photovoltaics technology has dropped significantly. But what does that mean? It means the inexpensive solar panel installation are only a small piece of the entire pie. However, no matter what way you want to look at it, the labor will always be there and in need in the future.

Read about the International Business: Floating Solar Panels:

“The solar resource is massive by any standard.”

-The Future of Solar Energy: An Interdisciplinary MIT Study


Is it possible that solar overproduction can be a near reality in our lives? What will a + 50% sustainable power system really look like?

What will the future hold? Will robots that possess artificial intelligence be able to come to your residence and unload photovoltaics and install solar panels on every sunlight distribution landscape around the world? For now, we will just have to use our imagination until it becomes a reality.

Works Cited

“The Future of Solar Energy – MIT Energy Initiative.” https://mite.it.edu. N.p., n.d. Web. 17 Mar 2016

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