Solar Energy Industries Association – Best Solar Companies #1 Reviews Fri, 22 Apr 2016 16:58:34 +0000 en-US hourly 1 96916744 2016 International Exhibition and Conference for the South American Solar Industry Tue, 22 Mar 2016 14:41:37 +0000 Intersolar-world-coverphotoIntersolar, a firm out of  São Paulo, Brazil, is hosting the 2016 International Exhibition and Convention for the South American Solar Business on August 23-25, 2016. This occasion is coined as “South America’s biggest solar occasion” and is set to take place in São Paulo, Brazil.

Intersolar has become the main platform for producers, suppliers, vendors, service providers and associates of the solar sector since being founded.

Brazil-Energy-Efficiency-and-Renewablity-Map-[Best-Solar-Companies]Brazil’s government intends to add wind energy plants with a cumulative result of over 15 gigawatts, in addition to photovoltaic systems providing a complete 4 gigawatts, to the state’s electricity supply by 2020. The following renewable energy auction, where electricity supply contracts could be won, shows that Brazil will reach 1 gigawatts of PV Capacity around by Fall of 2017.

Although it’s not the complete end product, the project has already resulted in over 2 gigawatts since first pitched in December 2013. In fact, it won a bid, which was a breakthrough that was reached in Fall of 2014. This extremely competitive command resulted in contracts being given to photovoltaic projects totaling 900 megawatts.

icon-plugTo date, the lowest solar energy costs (approx. 40 EUR/MWh) have been reached in the USA, though these are attributable to substantial government subsidies.

Check back here at for more information leading up to the Intersolar’s 2016 International Exhibition and Conference for the South American Solar Industry in August.

Solar Panel Industry Analysis 2015 Thu, 03 Sep 2015 01:42:36 +0000 real-estate-purchase-a-home-with-solar-panels-canstockphoto28470738It is safe to say that most adults understand the earth’s natural resources are getting scarcer every day, and millions wonder what they can do to help protect the environment. For homeowners, one answer is found in solar energy. This rapidly growing green energy source is renewable, clean and abundant. The excitement continues to build in the industry because the number of residential installations is rapidly rising as homeowners take advantage of state rebates and federal tax credits while technology is driving the cost of solar systems down.

The Numbers Tell the Story

Growing-home-sale-graph-with-solar-panels--canstockphoto21176466According to the Solar Energy Industries Association, (SEIA) the number of solar panel installations in American homes and businesses reached 645,000 by the end of 2014. In the residential sector alone, the analysis indicated there was a 51 percent increase in installations in 2014 year-over-year.

The growth continued through the first quarter of 2015, with the residential market growing by 11 percent when compared to the first quarter of 2014. It is the potential cost savings and the environmental friendliness that is attracting greater numbers of homeowners to alternative energy sources.

The solar energy system in this industry segment that is most used for homes is the photovoltaic (PV) solar system. Each solar panel is installed in a rack set on the roof.

The solar panel collects sunlight from sunrise to sunset which is converted to DC electricity DC. The electricity is delivered to an inverter which converts the DC electricity to AC electricity, and the AC electricity is delivered to the main electrical service panel. AC electricity is the type that a household uses to power fixtures and appliances. You can read a review of each business specializing in residential photovoltaic systems at

Saving Money in All Directions

House-with-solar-panels-and-dollar-sign-canstockphoto20857356An analysis of solar energy systems shows they are durable. They typically have a 20-25 year warranty, but most will last for 40-50 years. The system generates significant utilities cost savings.

The NC Clean Energy Technology Center at North Carolina State University did an analysis of monthly savings by state when households switched to photovoltaic systems. The actual savings depends on factors like the hours of sunlight, the type of electrical system already in place and the house size. However, households coast-to-coast are saving money with this green energy, ranging from $49 per month in Raleigh, NC to $187 per month in San Francisco, CA.

There are also many factors influencing the cost of installing this type of green power system, but the good news is that cost of solar panels has declined by almost 70 percent in the last 17 years. The final cost depends on the size of the roof and configuration of the system, but the expense is quickly recouped through energy savings.

Review the various options at, keeping in mind factors like rebates and efficiency ratings. The efficiency ratings of various brands typically range from 11-15 percent. The higher the efficiency rating, the less panel surface area is needed.

Green-house-as-simple-solar-electricity-circuit---illustration-canstockphoto14318035Now is the Right Time

There are many companies selling solar energy systems. At, you can review various residential systems and find experts in the industry who can answer all your questions.

Currently, there is a 30 percent Investment Tax Credit (ITC) available that expires December 31, 2016. Many of the states are also offering solar incentive rebates that lower the cost of the solar PV system. Now is an excellent time to install a new system and begin enjoying the cost savings that hundreds of thousands of homeowners are already accruing.

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